
Housing is key to reducing intergenerational poverty and increasing economic mobility.


We need to make housing that is affordable for San Bernardino’s most low- income populations. Due to our current economic climate, home ownership has become increasingly difficult. As a result of rising costs of living and stagnant wages, housing has become an impossibility when any potential mortgage savings are at risk when a medical emergency, accident, death, job loss or a combination of the above occurs. In any of these cases the possibility of home ownership becomes majorly set back unless residents have access to some type of capital such as years’ worth of savings, a vehicle they can sell, or the like. In11 some cases, personal emergencies even mean the loss of current housing, in which case future home ownership is lost as an option altogether.

Our Goal


To make housing affordable, accessible and anti-discriminatory in San Bernardino.

We believe housing is a human right. To have access to a home provides the security to be an active participant in the community and overall economy. We propose a multi-pronged housing strategy to address the housing crisis and the way it affects different people at different income levels.This includes funding for homeless shelters, transitional housing, support services, affordable housing development, policies that allow for the creation of alternative housing models, supporting more types of housing cooperatives, Community Land Trusts, accessible home buyer education, stricter taxes on vacant lot speculation owners, and policies that enable formerly incarcerated individuals to have access to affordable housing. We support the expansion of affordable housing in major developments such as the Carousel Mall redevelopment in downtown San Bernardino, a site that could be transformative to the city and its housing development. We are opposed to criminalizing homelessness, including use of policing to harass people and evict residents from their homes.


This Strategy Supports:





Environment & Health


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Aenean ac dapibus sapien. Ut commodo gravida venenatis. Donec vitae tellus sed augue maximus convallis sit amet ac ligula. Ut a bibendum sem, in vestibulum est. Aliquam in elit varius, placerat urna consectetur, finibus nulla. Nam in lorem lobortis, facilisis mauris ut, tincidunt lectus. Fusce varius risus et nunc tincidunt, et blandit odio volutpat.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In vel risus nisl. Nunc pharetra sem vel ipsum elementum gravida. Donec eget vestibulum elit. Nulla molestie aliquet sem egestas placerat. Curabitur vulputate magna non nisi euismod iaculis. Donec nulla nunc, dignissim at nisl quis, commodo iaculis nisl. Donec euismod arcu ac tincidunt lacinia. Duis a placerat ex, ut euismod lorem. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec condimentum commodo dapibus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

Proin est turpis, vehicula vitae ipsum in, tincidunt molestie magna. Etiam laoreet enim vel metus tincidunt efficitur. Suspendisse potenti. Nulla tincidunt ultrices blandit. Pellentesque porttitor hendrerit ante non facilisis. Phasellus aliquet, mauris sit amet blandit vehicula, ipsum lorem volutpat tellus, eget varius urna orci in diam. Maecenas blandit mauris erat, eu ultricies nisl hendrerit vel. Suspendisse elementum gravida tellus, vel iaculis turpis tincidunt ut. Suspendisse lacus neque, molestie eget sodales consectetur, ullamcorper ut est.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec ac felis at ipsum sodales ornare id in turpis. Curabitur mattis dui ut massa ultricies laoreet. Pellentesque non blandit dolor. Pellentesque facilisis eu velit eu varius. Sed id consectetur augue. Morbi eleifend vitae mauris id aliquet. Donec pharetra tellus aliquet, malesuada eros ac, pretium nibh. Nunc odio est, dictum non turpis eget, tempor convallis nisi. Aenean cursus vulputate odio, convallis rhoncus sem rutrum id. Vestibulum id tortor dictum risus ornare sollicitudin.

Aenean ac dapibus sapien. Ut commodo gravida venenatis. Donec vitae tellus sed augue maximus convallis sit amet ac ligula. Ut a bibendum sem, in vestibulum est. Aliquam in elit varius, placerat urna consectetur, finibus nulla. Nam in lorem lobortis, facilisis mauris ut, tincidunt lectus. Fusce varius risus et nunc tincidunt, et blandit odio volutpat.

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