Nache’t Brown, San Bernardino City resident and member of Congregations Organized for Prophetic Engagement (COPE)
A cycle of addiction and drug dealing resulted in multiple arrests and incarceration for Nache’t. Growing up with a strong Christian upbringing she says, “I would bring Jesus to prison and sing to the inmates and even sang at the request of the prison guards.” She attributes her faith to her mother, and says, “I thank God for my mother whom I could come to whenever I needed help.” When she finally entered a rehabilitation home, her mother stepped in to care for Nache’t’s older children during her recovery. In 2005, she entered Gibson House for Women in San Bernardino, a transitional home for women who have been incarcerated. She spent 2-months sobering up and making peace with herself and others through forgiveness letters that helped her heal from anger, abuse, and rape.
After some time as a member of C.O.P.E., Nache’t was hired on as an Outreach Worker. This gave her an opportunity to learn more about the importance of health in her community by engaging with various programs with Medi-Cal, Loma Linda University and other groups working to provide health benefits for working class people. In 2019, Nache’t completed Loma Linda University’s Promotores Academy where she was trained as a health educator which launched her career in community services. Nache’t is now gainfully employed in a long-term career with the San Bernardino City Unified School District as health educator and is able to continue making a positive impact in her community through her work.