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Just San Bernardino


Just SB represents a range of organizations at various capacities involved in economic mobility, grassroots organizing and power building, community development, and racial equity work in San Bernardino and the broader Inland Empire region.

Member Organizations

The organizations that organized the People’s Plan for San Bernardino and plan to implement these solutions are the Just San Bernardino Collaborative.

Fiscal Sponsor & Funder

Founded in 1941, the Inland Empire Community Foundation is the oldest and largest community foundation serving the Inland region. We have deep roots here, and are committed to working with all who care passionately about improving our community. We come to the table with in-depth understanding of the IE and our nonprofit sector, extensive experience with our donors that can make a meaningful difference – now and in the future.

The James Irvine Foundation is a private, independent foundation that provided $187.3 million in grants in 2022 to organizations in California. Since our founding in 1937, Irvine has made more than $2.4 billion in grants throughout the state.